Heiken Ashi Scalping Process is an trend following technique. It’s situated within the Heinken Ashi warning signs and Fashion Magic indicator.
Period of time 5 min, 15 min.
Currency pairs: EUR USD, GBP/USD.
Metatrader Indicators
Heiken Ashi,
Fashion Magic indicator,
Heiken Ashi histogram (AV duration 6),
Heiken Ashi separated window(21, 50, 1,1,),
ATM RSI Histo (9),
Pivot Features level.
Lengthy Entry
Vogue Magic indicator blue line,
Heiken Ashi histogram dodger blue bars,
Heiken Ashi white colour,
Heiken Ashi separated window withe and green bars.
Quick Entry
Trend Magic indicator pink line,
Heiken Ashi histogram dodger purple bars,
Heiken Ashi purple colour,
Heiken Ashi separated window withe and gred bars.
Exit location strategies.
1) Exit position with rapid income goal 5 min time frame 6-10 pips, 15 min period of time 8-14 pips.
2)Trailing end 10 pips after 10 pips in gain.
3)Take income at the levesl of the pivot aspects.
Preliminary quit loss 15 pips 5 min time frame and 20 pips 15 min time period.
Inside the snap shots less than Heiken Ashi Scalping Manner EUR USD, GBP/USD in motion.
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