This Trading process is according to the rainbow metatrader indicators.
Time Frame 15 min or larger,
Currency pairs:any.
Candle non repaint indicator;
P magic rainbow-v1;
P magic rainbow-v2;
P magic rainbow-v3;
P magic rainbow-v4;
P magic rainbow-v5;
P magic rainbow-v6;
P magic rainbow-v7;
ZZ now not repaint.
Regulations:Magic Rainbow
Buy arrow above Yellow line.
P magic rainbow-v2> blue line (Buy Zone).
P magic rainbow-v7 candle >zero.
Do now not trades when there are yellow line and crimson line.
Promote arrow belw Purple line.
P magic rainbow-v2< blue line (Sell Zone).
P magic rainbow-v7 candle <zero.
Do not trades when there are red line line and blue line.
Exit Situation
at the oppsite arrow or when P magic rainbow is >zero<;
Profit Goal time period 15 min 15-20 pips.
Inside the portraits less thanRainbow Magic Trading System in action. Trading Type Maximo Dealer.
In the pics belowRainbow Magic Trading System in action. Trading Model HigHBahagia
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